Tag Archives: Spence Petros

“Slop Muskies”

Spence Petros As editor of Fishing Facts magazine for 22 years, and being in the middle of the structure fishing revolution, I avidly taught and practiced the principles of structure fishing. Mostly I fished the deep edges of structure and cover for muskies, but had no qualms about going to adjacent shallower cover, or outContinue Reading

Spence’s Guide Report 2014

Spence’s Guide Report 2014

By: Spence Petros I wasn’t sure if I was going to guide this year because I had a ruptured appendix and wasn’t feeling too well for about three weeks until I had an emergency operation. But all ended well and I had a record year fishing Delavan and Geneva. The numbers were unbelievable on bothContinue Reading

12 Golden Rules for Musky Fishing Success

By: Spence Petros It was a long drive and longtime friend Jim Saric and I had a lot of catching up to do. Family, friends, where we had been fishing, future excursions, and new spots with big fish potential were all discussed as we headed north to Lake of the Woods for Musky Hunter’s AnnualContinue Reading

When to Troll or Cast

By: Spence Petros I view casting verses trolling like a carpenter putting together a house. A skilled craftsman might be able to do it with six specific tools. But if he had a dozen different tools, the work would probably be done faster, better, and more efficiently. Same with musky fishing. By combining both castingContinue Reading

When Big Muskies go Shallow

By: Spence Petros It was one of those beautiful late October days you dream about. A classic “Indian summer” day. The fall turnover had occurred several weeks earlier, but now air temperatures had climbed into the mid-60’s, and sun-drenched skies were spreading a warm glow over chilled waters that had been in the high 40-degreeContinue Reading

How to Catch More Big Muskies

By: Spence Petros We’ve all heard the standard answers numerous times. Fish waters that are known to have big fish. Learn the peak times to work those waters to tilt the odds a little more in your favor. Pay attention to moon phases and activity periods. Concentrate on spots having water movement from wind orContinue Reading

Two Great Musky Lakes

By: Spence Petros There are a lot of prime musky waters in North America ,and many of them are in northwest Ontario. Just about every resort owner will sing the phrases of their own body of water, and naturally, they all have “world record” fish. But putting all the bull aside, where are the bestContinue Reading

Slop Muskies

By: Spence Petros As editor of Fishing Facts magazine for 22 years, and being in the middle of the structure fishing revolution, I avidly taught and practiced the principles of structure fishing. Mostly I fished the deep edges of structure and cover for muskies, but had no qualms about going to adjacent shallower cover, orContinue Reading